C++ <cstdio>

The C++ <cstdio> header file includes several macros and functions of C-style input/output library.

C++ fflush()

flushes any buffered data to the respective device

C++ fgetc()

reads the next character from given input stream

C++ fgets()

reads n number of characters from file stream

C++ fopen()

opens specified file

C++ fprintf()

write a formatted string to file stream

C++ fread()

reads specified no. of characters from stream

C++ freopen()

opens a new file with stream associated to another

C++ fscanf()

read data from file stream

C++ fseek()

sets file position indicator for given file stream

C++ fwrite()

writes specified number of characters to stream

C++ getc()

reads next character from input stream

C++ getchar()

reads next character from stdin

C++ gets()

reads line from stdin

C++ printf()

Write formatted string to stdout

C++ putchar()

writes a character to stdout

C++ puts()

writes string to stdout

C++ remove()

Deletes the specified file

C++ rename()

renames or moves specified file

C++ scanf()

Read data form stdin

C++ snprintf()

write formatted string to character string buffer

C++ sprintf()

Write a formatted string to buffer

C++ sscanf()

read data from string buffer

C++ tmpfile()

creates temporary file with auto-generated name