Swift String Methods

Swift has a lot of String methods that allow us to work with strings. In this reference page, you will find all the string methods available in Swift. For example, if you need to add two strings, use the append() method.

Swift String append()

adds a string value to another string

Swift String elementsEqual()

checks if two strings are equal

Swift String hasPrefix()

checks if string begins with the specified string

Swift String hasSuffix()

checks if string ends with the specified string

Swift String insert()

inserts a new character value into the string

Swift String remove()

removes a character in the string

Swift String replacingOccurrences()

replace all matching characters in the string

Swift String reversed()

reverses the given string

Swift String split()

breaks up a string at the specified separator

Swift String trimmingCharacters()

removes whitespace from both ends of a string

Swift String contains()

Checks if specified string is present in a string

Swift String dropFirst()

removes the first character of the string

Swift String dropLast()

removes the last character of the string

Swift String joined()

return string with elements separated by separator

Swift String lowercased()

converts all characters in the string to lowercase

Swift String removeAll()

removes elements from string based on condition

Swift String uppercased()

converts all characters in the string to uppercase