Python Set Methods

A set is an unordered collection of items. Set items are unique and immutable. In this reference page, you will find all the methods that a set object can use.

Python frozenset()

returns immutable frozenset object

Python Set add()

adds element to a set

Python Set clear()

remove all elements from a set

Python Set copy()

Returns Shallow Copy of a Set

Python Set difference()

Returns Difference of Two Sets

Python Set difference_update()

Updates Calling Set With Intersection of Sets

Python Set discard()

Removes an Element from The Set

Python Set intersection()

Returns Intersection of Two or More Sets

Python Set intersection_update()

Updates Calling Set With Intersection of Sets

Python Set isdisjoint()

Checks Disjoint Sets

Python Set issubset()

Checks if a Set is Subset of Another Set

Python Set issuperset()

Checks if a Set is Superset of Another Set

Python Set pop()

Removes an Arbitrary Element

Python Set remove()

removes the specified element from the set

Python Set symmetric_difference()

Returns the symmetric difference of sets

Python Set symmetric_difference_update()

Updates the Set with symmetric difference

Python Set union()

Returns the union of sets

Python Set update()

Add elements to the set