Swift Dictionary removeValue()

The removeValue() method removes the certain key and its associated value from the dictionary.


// create a dictionary with two elements
var information = ["Charlie": 54, "Harvey": 34]

// remove certain key-value pair using removeValue() information.removeValue(forKey: "Charlie")
// print updated dictionary print(information) // Output: ["Harvey": 34]

removeValue() Syntax

The syntax of the removeValue() method is:

dictionary.removeValue(forKey: key)

Here, dictionary is an object of the Dictionary class.

removeValue() Parameters

The removeValue() method takes one parameter:

  • key - The key to remove along with its associated value.

removeValue() Return Value

  • The removeValue() method returns the removed value from dictionary.

Example: Swift removeValue()

// create a dictionary with three elements
var numbers = ["one": 1, "Two": 2, "Three": 3]

print("Before:", numbers)

// remove "Three" and it's associated value 3 numbers.removeValue(forKey: "Three")
// print updated dictionary print("After:", numbers)


Before: ["Two": 2, "one": 1, "Three": 3]
After: ["Two": 2, "one": 1]

In the above example, we have created a dictionary named numbers with three key-value pairs.

Here, we have used the removeValue() method to remove the key named "Three" and its associated value 3.

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