JavaScript Number Object

In JavaScript, Number is a built-in object that allows us to perform various operation on numbers. It consists of different constants and methods to work with numbers.

In this reference page, you will find all the Number methods and their properties. For example, we can use the isInteger() method to check if the given number is an integer or not.

JavaScript Number toString()

Returns a string representation of the number

JavaScript Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER

Represents the maximum safe integer in JavaScript

JavaScript Number.isSafeInteger()

Checks whether the provided value is safe integer

JavaScript Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER

Represents the minimum safe integer in JavaScript

JavaScript Number.EPSILON

Represents the smallest floating point number

JavaScript Number.MIN_VALUE

Represents smallest positive numeric value in JS

JavaScript Number.MAX_VALUE

Represents the maximum numeric value in JS


Represents the negative infinite value


Represents the positive infinity value

JavaScript Number.toLocaleString()

Returns specified string representation of number

JavaScript Number toExponential()

Returns string exponential notation of number

JavaScript Number toPrecision()

Returns string denoting number to given precision

JavaScript Number toFixed()

Formats a number using fixed point notation

JavaScript Number.isInteger()

Checks if the passed value is an integer or not

JavaScript Number.NaN

Represents Not-A-Number (NaN) value