Swift Dictionary Methods

Dictionary is an unordered collection that stores elements in key/value pairs. Swift provides various methods that allow us to perform different operations on dictionary elements. For example, the min() method returns the minimum key/value pair in the dictionary.

In this reference, you will find various dictionary methods that are available in Swift.

Swift Dictionary capacity

returns the total number of elements

Swift Dictionary count

returns the total number of elements present

Swift Dictionary enumerated()

iterates through key-value pairs of a dictionary

Swift Dictionary filter()

returns elements that satisfy given condition

Swift Dictionary first

returns the first key/value pair

Swift Dictionary keys

returns just the keys of the dictionary

Swift Dictionary mapValues()

transforms all values of dictionary

Swift Dictionary updateValue()

updates the value for the given key

Swift Dictionary contains()

checks whether key or value is present or not

Swift Dictionary forEach()

iterates through each element of a dictionary

Swift Dictionary isEmpty

checks if the dictionary is empty or not

Swift Dictionary max()

returns the max key-value pair in the dictionary

Swift Dictionary min()

returns the min key-value pair in the dictionary

Swift Dictionary randomElement()

returns a random key-value pair from dictionary

Swift Dictionary removeAll()

removes all key-value pairs from the dictionary

Swift Dictionary removeValue()

removes the certain key and its associated value

Swift Dictionary sorted()

sorts the dictionary in a specific order