NumPy (Numerical Python) is a Python library that excels in array operations. It is widely used in mathematical computations, machine learning, and data science.

With its straightforward and user-friendly syntax, NumPy is an ideal choice, especially for beginners.

Our NumPy tutorial will guide you through essential topics, accompanied by examples. By the end, you will have the skills and knowledge to implement projects using NumPy.

Do you want to learn NumPy the right way? Enroll in our Interactive NumPy Course for FREE.

About NumPy

Free and open-source - NumPy follows the same principles as Python, allowing you to use and distribute NumPy for free, even for commercial use.

Easy to learn - NumPy has a simple syntax and many built-in functions that ease data analysis and manipulation.

Integration - NumPy can integrate with powerful data analysis tools such as SciPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib, expanding your data processing capabilities.

Why Learn NumPy?

  • NumPy has an expressive syntax (easy to read and write).
  • NumPy performs complex calculations on large datasets efficiently.
  • Operations on NumPy are up to 50x faster than iterating over native Python lists using loops.
  • NumPy effectively works with multidimensional arrays, making it a crucial tool for data science.

How to Learn NumPy?

  • Interactive NumPy Course - Want to learn NumPy by solving quizzes and challenges after learning each concept? Enroll in our NumPy Interactive Course for FREE.
  • NumPy tutorial from Programiz - We provide step-by-step NumPy tutorials, examples, and references. Get started with NumPy.
  • Official NumPy Documentation - Might be hard to follow and understand for beginners. Visit the official NumPy Documentation.
  • Write a lot of NumPy code - The only way you can learn programming is by writing a lot of code.

NumPy Resources